High Everybody,
I just wanna show the people who's harvest comes at a
time when they can't afford other methods,(like myself)
the cheap way that I make a little hash from the
trimmings I'd ordinarily throw out. So here goes.
First pic is of the ingredients you'll need
1 - 32oz clean mayonnaise jar.
2 - The
coldest water that you can get (I take cups filled w/
water & put them in the freezer 30 minutes
before I start)
3 - 1 coffee filter basket w/ a
coffee filter in the basket
4 - Roughly 1/8 -
1/4 oz. trim (Believe me that's all that will fit in the
5 - (Not shown - too stoned) - a tablespoon
for spooning out the weed.
Step 2 Fill the jar about 2 inches from the
top with the water (I always throw in 3-4 ice cubes -
helps keep the water cold & adds a little
abrasiveness to the trim.)
Step 3 Fill the remaining space in the jar
with your trimmings.

Step 4
Shake violently for 30 minutes.

Step 5
Let it Settle For 30 Minutes, roll & smoke a nice
big spliff from the buds this trim was from to pass

Step 6 30 minutes Later the waters not as
cloudy and you can see the trichromes on the bottom.

Step 7 Open the jar & use your
tablespoon to remove all of the weed (this is what takes
the time but GET IT ALL OUT).

Step 8 After weed is removed it may look
like crap but boy will it bring you happiness.

Step 9 Hold the coffee filter basket in one
hand and slowly pour the water into the filter basket.

Step 10 Remove the remains from the coffee
filter and leave untill dry. An inexpensive and easy way
to get a nice couple of hits from some otherwise trash
for yourself & a friend. After all that's what
stoners are all about,sharing.

Peace Bunzboy. |