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Submitted: 04-24-2003
The joint in this FAQ
is a European style joint ie; a cone shape with tobacco
and a cardboard roach. This is for everyone who can't
roll by hand very well, and don?t like to use rolling
machines. I have a kingsize roller, but I find its a
bitch to roll cones and also they always seem to come
out so tight that its hard to smoke properly. This
method doesn?t take any longer than a hand roll once you
get the hang of it.
You will need:
Rolling papers (Thinner the better, I use king-size
blue ?Rizlas?)
Some cigarette or hand rolling tobacco
A lighter
A credit card or something similar.
a nice bit of puff

lay your papers on the table and fill it with your weed.
Get your cigarette/tobacco, you wont need a lot.
Sprinkle tobacco over the weed.

Tear a
piece of your rolling paper package, about 1.5 x 1 cm.
Roll this piece of cardboard into a tube shape.
Place the card into the end of the joint.

Take your
credit card and push it down against the joint (Take
care not to push too hard or it'll end up on the floor!)

roll the joint over the card?s edge.
Lick your
finger and wet the gummed strip, then proceed to finish
the roll.

Take your
lighter and remove the flint holder - this will be your
Take the 'pokey' and poke the weed down
to make the joint a bit tighter. Remember to put it back
in the lighter when your done.

Voila, a
nice tight cone joint.