Contributed by:
Home Grown Hero
Submitted: 10-07-2003
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How can I hang an adjustable reflector in
a box-grow? This if for those who have a
small area or box that is made of wood, dry-wall, or
other material that can use screw or bolt attachments.
There may be the possibility to use silicone or Hard as
Nail to glue the thin shelf upright into place, however
I dont know how much weight it would hold. Also, the
shelf support will need to be tapped into place to
secure any adjustment.

Here you can see all that was
purchased. Not seen is a screw driver and screws. This
little project cost me $7 US from a home improvement
store and the materials were found in the shelving
department. I needed a box of self-drilling drywall
anchors, because the walls of this grow chamber are
drywall. If you have solid wood or even plywood, you
will not need these.

Now you can see that the hood
is hanging from the ceiling by chain and causing plenty
of congestion with wires and such. My goal is to clean
this mess up a little and minimize the movement and
noise of the light hood when it hits the walls inside
the box from the fan that constantly runs.
Measure, center, and
install the shelf upright. The shelf upright
I am installing is 24 long and the grow chamber is 12
deep by 24 wide. (1) Measure your micro grow area and
mark the center near the top and bottom of the projected
shelf upright length. (2) Attach upright with screws or

The horizontal shelf support
used here is 16 long. (3) Lightly tap the support into
place at the desired height.
After more stoner ingenuity, I
used a couple of links off of the chain I discarded.
There is enough left/right movement with this set-up, so
you can make more adjustments.

Just slide the light hood into
place and you are done. This took about 5 minutes
maybe longer because I stopped to burn one while
deciding how I would attach the reflector to the support
so that it could slide.
I also put a bead of
type II silicon around the edge of the home made
reflector; because it was marking up a fresh coat of
ultra bright white flat latex paint.
is the finished product!